Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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I. N e w   E n t r i e s

1. Author Index

[Info] Adiga, Malini. »Rape in Medieval Karnataka: Inter-Village Warfare and Opportunities for Male Heroism.« Proceedings of the Indian History Congress 78 (2017): 207-219.

[Info] Blau, Kathryn A. »Japan's Sacrificial Daughter: Sexual Exploitation in Post-war Okinawa.« BYU Asian Studies Journal 9 (2024).

[Info] Chetelat, Abigail. »MisRepresentation of the Madam: Sex Worker Rhetoric on the Pornography Wars 1973-1986.« Txstur[e] 1 (2024): 10-23.

[Info] Gray, Gavan P. »The Politicisation of Sexual Violence in Ukraine: The Impact of Partisan Representation on Effective Responses.« The Hestia Review 2 (2024): 23-35.

[Info] Gyawali, Ramesh. »Universalization of Stereotypical Representation and Subjugation of Women in The Waste LandEnglish Language Teaching Perspectives 9 (2024): 102-116.

[Info] Handl, Laura. »Politics of Anger and Trauma Disclosure in Michelle Bowdler’s Is Rape a Crime? A Memoir, an Investigation and a Manifesto (2020).« COPAS 25 (2025): 46-64.

[Info] Herrera, Heidi. »She Does Not Want: Wartime Rape in Goya's Disasters of War.« AWE 5 (2018): 17-30.

[Info] Iwuh, John, et al. »Film As Therapy for Defied Children: Hell as Pedagogy for Sex Abuse in Dry and The Colour Purple.« International Journal of Religion 5 (2024): 1799-1807.

[Info] James, Deveryle. “A Zoo of Lust ... A Harem of Fondled Hatreds”: Interrogating Sexual Violence Against Women in Film 1915-2003. Ph.D. Thesis, State University of New York at Buffalo, 2008.

[Info] James, Deveryle. “A Zoo of Lusts ... A Harem of Fondled Hatreds”: An Historical Interrogation of Sexual Violence against Women in Film. Newcastle upon Tyne 2011.

[Info] Jansson. Maria. »Activism and gender equality policy in the Swedish film sector from the second wave to #metoo.« Women's Studies International Forum 105 (2024).

[Info] Kaşıkçı. Mehmet V. »Gendering starvation: Women's experiences of the Kazakh famine, 1930–1933.« Gender & History (August 12, 2024).

[Info] Kawana, Takahiro. Responsibility on Comfort Women by the Japanese Government. Självständigt arbete på grundnivå, Malmö universitet, 2024.

[Info] Kilián, Jan. »A soldier and a townsman during the Thirty Years’ War: Coexistence – Confrontation – Cooperation.« Przegląd Zachodniopomorski 34 (2019): 41-60.

[Info] Kim, Mina »Physical and Verbal Violence in “Dry September”.« 영어영문학연구 43 (2017): 69-85.

[Info] Kim, Sung K. »북조선 일본군 ‘위안부’ 재현의 정치: 젠더, 트랜스내셔널, 미래성의 징후들.« 담론201 27 (2024): 7-42.

[Info] Klug, Debora P., et al. »Diagnóstico dos inqéritos de estupro de vulnerável do município de Bento Gonçalves (RS) entre 2014 e 2019.« Revista Contemporânea 4 (2024): 1-18.

[Info] Knutson, Brittany A. »“‘I have to want you to act this way’”: A political reading of sexual violence, men’s Rights Activism, and the Pick-up ArtistFeminist Media Studies (July 28, 2024).

[Info] Kuo, Chia-Chen. »(不)受弱的女人: 柯慈《屈辱》中的性暴力、法律與南非新自由主義.« 中外文學 54 (2023): 233-268.

[Info] Lederer, David. »The Myth of the All-Destructive War: Afterthoughts on German Suffering, 1618–1648.« German History 29 (2011): 380-403.

[Info] Liao, Rong-Chi. »從"A Woman in Berlin"觀察柏林戰役中蘇聯紅軍的性暴力.« 史繹 38 (2024): 125-150.

[Info] Lin, Ying-Chiao. »Father’s Farmland, Daughter’s Innerland: Retelling and Recovery in Jane Smiley’s "A Thousand Acres".« Concentric 29 (2003): 95-118.

[Info] Matkowska, Justyna. »Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Against Romani Women and Girls in Occupied Poland during World War II.« The Journal of Holocaust Research (August 24, 2024).

[Info] Monastyrova, Yelyzaveta. »Human Trafficking and International Armed Conflict: Applying the Trafficking Lens to Sexual Violence, Forced Labour and Deportation in the Russian-Occupied Territories of Ukraine.« Journal of Human Trafficking, Enslavement & Conflict-Related Sexual Violence 5 (2024): 211-243.

[Info] Moreno-Garcia, Silvia. Magna Matter: Women and Eugenic Thought in the Work of H.P. Lovecraft. M.A. Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2016.

[Info] Morrison, Susannah. »Sex and the Soviets: Depictions of Rape in Soviet Cinema and Literature.« The Thetean 47 (2018): 123-133.

[Info] Nagy, Judit. »Representation of Comfort Women in Chang-rae Lee’s A Gesture Life and Christina Park’s The Homes We Build on AshesHome and Homeland in Asian Diaspora Edited by Kyunghee Pyun et al. Cham 2024: 51-64.

[Info] O'Mochain, Robert, et al. »Japan’s “Big Lie s “Big Lie": The Negation of Oral Testimony of Sexual Violence.« Dignity 9(2) (2024).

[Info] Owens, Emily A. Consent in the Presence of Force: Sexual Violence and Black Women's Survival in Antebellum New Orleans. Chapel Hill 2023.

[Info] Patton, Stacey. »“with my love”: The colonial legacy of racialized pedophilic pornography in the atlantic world.« childhood & philosophy 20 (2024): 1-36.

[Info] Pohling. Andrea. »Über den Wandel von Diskursen und die Aufarbeitung sexueller Gewalt: Eine Skizze.« Diskurs 19 (2024): 153-167.

[Info] Pope, Ruth. Die Gründung von Beratungsstellen gegen sexualisierte Gewalt an Kindern ab den 1980er Jahren in Westdeutschland. Masterarbeit, Universität Münster, 2021.

[Info] Pope, Ruth. »„Zartbitter“ und die feministische Auseinandersetzung mit sexualisierter Gewalt an Kindern in den 1980er und 1990er Jahren.« Westfälische Forschungen 72 (2022): 347-365.

[Info] Pope, Ruth, et al. »Emma gegen Kentler: Eine geplatzte Preisverleihung im Kontext der Deutungskämpfe um sexualisierte Gewalt an Kindern in den 1980er und 1990er Jahren.« Zeitgeschichte in Hamburg (2023): 100-118.

[Info] Rabinowitz, Nancy S. »Rape and race: Intersectional perspectives on Aeschylus’ Suppliants, with a coda on Charles Mee’s Big LoveThe Routledge handbook of classics, colonialism, and postcolonial theory Edited by Katherine Blouin et al. London 2025: 168-181.

[Info] Ramadani, Nadya. Child Abuse in Colleen Hoover's Novel. B.A. Thesis, Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara, 2024.

[Info] Redmond, Ava. »Push and Pull: The Call for Justice and the Failing (and Rescinded) Accountability from the Japanese Government for the “Comfort Women” Survivors.« On Politics 17 (2024): 44-58.

[Info] Reedy, Catherine. »Infected Fancies and Penetrative Poetics in The Rape of LucreceHistoricizing the Embodied Imagination in Early Modern English Literature. Edited by Mark Kaethler et al. Cham 2024: 109-128.

[Info] Robson, Peter W.G. »Developments in Revenge, Justice and Rape in the Cinema.« International Journal of Semiotic Law (2021): 69-88.

[Info] Rosenbaum, Judith. »Archiving #MeToo: Past, Present, and Future.« American Jewish History 104 (2020): 251-263.

[Info] Saidel, Rochelle G., et al., eds. Violated! Women in Holocaust & Genocide - Group Art Exhibition. New York 2018.

[Info] Saluja, Anshu. »Gendered erasures in memory: Silencing of cases of sexual violence in 1984.« Sikh Formations (August 3, 2024).

[Info] Samiou, Antigone. »Le violence sexiste et le féminicide dans l'œuvre mirabellienne.« Cahiers Octave Mirbeau No. 30 (2023): 207-224.

[Info] Sánchez Magallanes, Alvaro G. La representación de la violencia en el cine peruano: Análisis de tres películas entre el periodo 1985 al 2015. Tesis, Universidad Tecnológica del Perú, 2024.

[Info] Saunders, Zara. »Rape, law and stories of trauma: Representations of sexual violence in The Australian Women’s Weekly, 1970–82.« History Australia (July 29, 2024).

[Info] Schmölz-Häberlein, Michaela. »Sie können eine Staffel in himmel bauen, wenn sie diesen geilen Geistlichen nicht mehr heraus lassen: Das Verfahren gegen den Kaplan Johann Blasius Ebertsch (1765–1831).« Geistliche und deviantes Verhalten im Hochstift Bamberg des 18. Jahrhunderts. Edited by Oliver Kruk et al. Baden-Baden 2024: 165-200.

[Info] Sik, Choi. »「朝鮮少女吟」 硏究: 慰安婦의 波瀾萬丈한 人生 逆境.« 한문학논집 68 (2024): 35-50.

[Info] Sisic, Mia. A Focus on Strength-based Outcomes of Wartime Sexual Violence in a Sample of Ethnically Diverse Women from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Windsor, 2019.

[Info] Snidal, Michelle. Rape in Revolutionary America, 1760-1815. M.A. Thesis, University of Victoria, 2021.

[Info] Speerstra, Seth. »Arachne's Tapestry: Women's Voices in Ovid's MetamorphosesCornerstone No. 42 (2021): 1-33.

[Info] Stępnik, Małgorzata. »“Grand Narratives” and “Personal Dramas”: (Re)reading the Masterpieces by Artemisia Gentileschi.« arts 13(2) (2024).

[Info] Tuo, Donissongui. »Commodified Bodies: A Sexual Exploration of Women in Ifeoma Chinwuba’s Merchants of FleshÉchanges No. 21 (2023): 243-257.

[Info] Turner, Skye. »How Matrilineal Enslavement Shaped Colonial Racial Perceptions.« The Elphinstone Review 10 (2024): 161-171.

[Info] Uimonen, Paula. »#MeToo in Sweden: Museum Collections, Digital Archiving and Hashtag Visuality.« Ethnos 85 (2020): 920-937.

[Info] Vaage, Margrethe B. The Female Avenger, Women’s Anger and Rape-Revenge Film and Television: Rape-Revenge and Women’s Anger. Edinburgh 2024.

[Info] Verma, Khushboo, et al. »“Was There Any Martyrdom Worse Than This?”: Literary and Television Representations of “Comfort Women” of World War II.« Literature & Aesthetics 34 (2024): 127-136.

[Info] Vieraitis, Lynne M., et al. »Crossing the Line at Altitude: Passenger Sexual Misconduct in the Skies, 1999-2021.« Journal of Crime and Justice (July 2, 2024).

[Info] Villalobos Guízar, Valeria »Bruto, cómplice de Sexto Tarquinio: Una lectura a la violación de Lucrecia.« Acápite No. 5 (2024): 165-185.

[Info] Wane Ly, Mariame, et al. »Outlining Trauma and Mental Disorder in Beloved (1987) by Toni Morrison: In the Skirts of Slavery and Feminine Psychoanalysis.« Revue LiLaS 1 (2023): 165-184.

[Info] Williams, Nora J. Canonical Misogyny: Shakespeare and Dramaturgies of Sexual Violence. Edinburgh 2024.

[Info] Yanti, Elga D., et al. »Sexual Harassment Reflected In Novel The House On Mango Street.« Journal of Humanities and Social Studies 8 (2024): 548-551.

[Info] Yoon, Hyonyung. »말라르메의 『목신의 오후』와 예이츠의 「레다와 백조」에 재현된 강간 환상.« 한국 예이츠 저널 70 (2023): 135-160.

2. Speaker Index

[Info] Katz, Jordan. »Illegitimate Births, Socioeconomic Status, and Questions of Agency among Early Modern Jewish Women.« 55th Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies. San Francisco 2023.

[Info] Lightman, Sarah. »MEGILLAT Esther Levy in Miriam Katin’s WE ARE ON OUR OWN.« 50th Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies. Boston 2018.

[Info] Omer-Sherman, Ranen. »The Shoah in the Family and Fiction of Nava Semel & Etgar Keret.« 53rd Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies. Chicago 2021.

[Info] Pope, Ruth. »In Kellern und auf Dachböden – Quellenprobleme bei der Erforschung feministischer Beratungsstellen gegen sexualisierte Gewalt an Kindern.« Nachwuchsworkshop des Arbeitskreises Historische Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung, Regionalgruppe Nord. Hamburg 2022.

[Info] Pope, Ruth. »Betroffenheit, Parteilichkeit, Wissenschaftlichkeit – Feministisches Wissen über sexualisierte Gewalt an Kindern, 1980-2010.« Lecture / Kolloquium Wissensgeschichte, Universität Konstanz. Konstanz 2023.

[Info] Pope, Ruth. »Die Grenzen der Liberalisierung: Die Schutzalterdebatte bei der Sexualstrafrechtsreform und feministischer Widerspruch.« 4. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Sexualitäten in der Geschichte. Berlin 2023.

[Info] Richman, Aviva. »"Shall She Die Rather than Sin?”: Sexual Coercion and Legal (Non)Compliance in Bavli SUGYOT.« 50th Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies. Boston 2018.

[Info] Rosenbaum, Judith. »Archiving #MeToo: Past, Present, and Future.« 51st Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies. San Diego 2019.

[Info] Seidman, Naomi S. »The Ninety-Three Bais Yaakov Girls: Shame, Affect, and Transnational Identification within a World at War.« 53rd Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies. Chicago 2021.

[Info] Szabo, Alexandra M. »The Fading Voices of Sterilization and Castration Abuse.« 55th Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies. San Francisco 2023.

[Info] Szabó, Alexandra M. »Sterilization and Castration Abuse: Coping with Holocaust Memories.« Lecture / USC Dornsife Center for Advanced Genocide Research. Dornsife 2024.

[Info] Zachmann, Urs M. »The Adjudication of Sexual Violence by Japanese Legal Officers.« Japanese Military Violence During the Asia-Pacific War. Berlin 2024.

II. R e v i s e d   E n t r i e s

1. Author Index

[Info] Berg, Joseph. De iniustitia belli: Violence Against Civilians in the Thirty Years War. Honors Thesis, Loyola Marymount University, 2016.

[Info] Witt, Kathryn J. »Comfort Women: The 1946-1948 Tokyo War Crimes Trials and Historical Blindness.« The Great Lakes Journal of Undergraduate History 4 (2016): 17-34.

2. Speaker Index

[Info] Douglas, R.M. »“Deserving” or “Undeserving” Victims? Prosecuting Sexual Ofences by U.S. Soldiers against Italian Civilians, 1943–1945.« 117th OAH Conference on American History. New Orleans 2024.

[Info] Jacquet, Catherine. »Providing “much needed information”: The First Studies on the Sexual Abuse of Incarcerated Women.« 117th OAH Conference on American History. New Orleans 2024.

[Info] Kamholz, Rebecca. »“One who is Raped is not Comparable to One who is Seduced”: Women’s Legal and Sexual Agency in the Babylonian Talmud.« 53rd Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies. Chicago 2021.

[Info] Kobrin, Rebecca A. »"YELED ZNUNIM": Gender, Illegitimate Births and Untapped Rabbinic Sources.« 51st Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies. San Diego 2019.

[Info] Lawlor, Ruth, chair. »Responding to Rape: Activism, State Power, and the Law.« 117th OAH Conference on American History. New Orleans 2024.

[Info] Lipman, Jana. »Re-thinking the “Big Dan’s Rape Case”: Feminists, Immigrant Advocacy, and the Law Forty Years Later.« 117th OAH Conference on American History. New Orleans 2024.

[Info] Ott, Katherine, chair. »Missing Histories of Sexual Assault.« 117th OAH Conference on American History. New Orleans 2024.

[Info] Wiesner, Caitlin. »Concerned Women: Black Feminists Confront the Crime of Black-on-Black Rape.« 117th OAH Conference on American History. New Orleans 2024.

III. N e w   S u b d i r e c t o r i e s

1. Geographical Index

Asian History: Kazakh History

2. Topical Index

1. Prosecution: -

2. Cases: Fictional Victims: Aksinia, Franya, Praskovia Lukianova, Veronika | Real Incidents: Case of the Ninety-Three Bais Yaakov Girls, Kazakh Famine, 1984 Anti-Sikh Riots, Okinawa Rape Cases, Sack of Magdeburg | Real Offenders: Johann Blasius Ebertsch, James Toback | Real Victims: Devorah, Margarethe Hofmännin

3. Types: -

4. Offenders: -

5. Victims: -

6. Society: Archives: Jewish Women’s Archive, Organizations: National Alliance of Black Feminists, National Black Feminist Organization

7. Research: Research Problems

8. Representations: Art: Francisco Goya | Comics: We Are On Our Own | Films: Atacada: La teoría del dolor; Bastard Out of Carolina, Dry, Eyes of Dawn, La ciudad y los perros, Días de Santiago; The Magdalene Sisters, Monsoon Wedding, Nation and Destiny, The Pick-up Artist, She Defends the Motherland, Thelma & Louise, Things Behind the Sun, The Women of Brewster Place | Literary Texts: Ifeoma Chinwuba, Colleen Hoover, Stéphane Mallarmé, Christina Park, Nava Semel, Mikhail Sholokov | Press: Emma, The Australian Women's Weekly